Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This is Bound to be awhile...

Hey hey hey! Ok so, today i had a pretty interesting day. I woke up at 7 am for my 8 am class and saw that it was raining outside...so i thought this morning "hm, i have no absences in this class and im listening to presentations...yea im not going". I love college haha. NO CLASS when you dont want there to be! When i got up i started getting ready for work at WEIU-TV. Jared, Barbara, and I drove to Champaign to cover a story on the Childrens Museum reopening after two fires started on their roof from another building. It use to be an old theatre and we got VIP access and brought up onto the roof. Crawling through windows and being on an old roof...good thing im not scared of heights and was feeling adventurous, eh?! After we got back to the studio we edited the film and made a package for the news at 5:30 that turned out to be good stuff! Melissa picked me up, i drove her to Haiti connection, and picked up Lauren from her wiffle ball game (or as she likes to call it "wiggle ball"). I heard some very interesting news today about someone from a past relationship that made me just laugh and be happy that i have cut off all connections with that person. Everything really does happen for a reason and i believe that 100%. I seem to have found this new confidence and independace within myself. I had a great weekend...i got to see everyone from back home and went to NIU. Both were a great time, i love my family and friends. I realized that is all i need...are my family and my friends. true friends. people who have my back at all times and would never turn theirs on mine. My friends are people i can truely rely on for anything & everything and i love them for that. I also got some news that ill be hitting the bars this weekend with Mr. Brandon Hurn at U of I which i am super pumped for. Im also excited to come back and have people over saturday and see how everything turns out---Lauren you know what im talking about hahaha ;) ya girl workkkk.

Anyway, Im in the best mood ever right now...even when i know i have to start working on my powerpoint presentation right now. By the by, i have two presentations to do on Thursday woohoo.

PS- John Mayer is pure sex.

"You want love,We'll make it,Swim in a deep sea,Of blankets,Take all your big plans,And break 'em,This is bound to be a while.

Your body is a wonderland,Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands),Your body is a wonderland.

Damn baby,You frustrate me,I know you're mine, all mine, all mineBut you look so good it hurts sometimes."

1 comment:

Jenna beans <3 said...

you're a dirty whore!!!

but i love you anyway