Monday, September 22, 2008

Live your Life!

My first post! I'm excited to start this blog, it will be nice to have a place to express myself and my thoughts or even just to share my day with you.

I thought a good way to start my first post is to talk about my weekend. It was so much fun and went by way too fast! I love my family and friends SO much! On Friday Lauren, Melissa, and I got ready and packed our stuff for the weekend, not before attacking Jenna with hugs and kisses before she left to go home though! She wasn't going to be by our side for one night and we acted like we werent going to see eachother for weeks! Anyway, the girls and I got ready and headed to NIU for the night to visit Petros. We were all really pumped to go there and see how it was to be staying in a frat for once. I had never been to NIU before and i had a blast! When we got there Petros met us outside and escorted us into his frat- Phi Sigma Kappa. The house was really cool inside...we got a full tour and got to see how the boys decorated their rooms because everyone just kept their doors open and didn't care who came in and out. By the way, each room had their own bar given to cool is that?! All the people we met that night were really nice and outgoing. It was cool to see the boys though- Petros, Jeremy, Anthony, Nick, and Bill. I love those boys! That night the frat was having a party. It was a lot of fun--- everyone just keeps their doors open and walks around in eachother's rooms and parties in the hallway. We all had a lot of fun dancing, playing card games, drinking, and talking. Even before that though the fun began with my girls! The car ride was halarious between singing and flirting with motorcycle boy! We only stayed over one night and I wish we could have stayed the whole weekend! It was nice going home though because i got to see my brother who i havent seen in forever! My parents were in FL so we had the house to ourselves! My aunt had Dean and I over for dinner with the family and my Yiayia and was a lot of fun to hang out with them for awhile. After dinner Steven, Melissa, Lauren, Chris, Jenna, Georgia, and I went to Chilis and had dinner. I miss being all together and hanging out, but then again i love school! I feel grateful to say that i get the best of both worlds by having a good time at school and at home. After dinner we all went back to my house for awhile and had some beerskis and played cards. It was a nice chill night with some of my closest friends! The next day i basically just hung out all day and picked up the girls around 5:00 to go back to school. I love coming home to this apartment and feeling like it truely is my home. I love the feeling of independance and living with the girls...they are the best!

Today wasn't bad for being a Monday...there were some up's and down's dont get me wrong, but at the end of the day all is well. One Tree Hill was amazing, I got to hang out with Shelby (LOVE HER!! )and Lauren cooked some kick ass dinner for us (thanks laur!). Now I'm just hanging out and need to start reading my Communications book for class, "BOOF"!



kiss my sass said...

hahaha rhea that blog isn't me!!! my blog is

Tania Karas said...

Lover I found your blog! I'm sneaky! I'll be checkin up on you : )

LOVE and MISS you!