Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pajamas,Beer,and Friends...What else do you need?

This past week has been one of the most stressful weeks for me. Between classes, boys, homework, apartment stuff, and certain people I just wanted the weekend to come! Thursday night was a good night though because Lauren, Jenna, and I went to the Carrie Underwood concert at U of I. I sat with Chris and Steven, we had so much fun! Carrie is very very good live! She hit all her high notes and was just flawless. She was very sweet on stage, she rambled a bit, and she looked sooo good! How is it possible to be that beautiful?! I dont get it hahaha. Last night we hosted a pajama beer pong party. We had a great turn out from 25-30 people and it was perfect...all of our good friends. Good friends meaning the night consisted of everyone getting along, no drama, and everyone just had a good time. It was nice to party all together with some new and old friends. We had a little beer pong tournament action, drinking games, mario kart racing, and just hanging out going on. I love it here so much. I cant ever picture myself anywhere else! Tonight should be an eventful night also...Pregaming here with some friends and three big parties going on! Hmm, Im thinking it's going to be an interesting night.

"Follow what I already know
In the end closer's all there is
Oh, in the end it's me you're going to miss
'Cause you won't find this"

Carrie Underwood- You Won't Find This

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