Monday, November 17, 2008

Without you, but I have to

- I want thanksgiving break to come right now

- Why cant we all just get along?

- I want you to care

- Dont hide, tell me what youre thinking

- Karma is a bitch

- When do I have to stop trying?

-Is something wrong?

- Something new

- Look at the positives, dont focus on the negatives

- Its all so hard

- I B R E A K

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This is Bound to be awhile...

Hey hey hey! Ok so, today i had a pretty interesting day. I woke up at 7 am for my 8 am class and saw that it was raining i thought this morning "hm, i have no absences in this class and im listening to presentations...yea im not going". I love college haha. NO CLASS when you dont want there to be! When i got up i started getting ready for work at WEIU-TV. Jared, Barbara, and I drove to Champaign to cover a story on the Childrens Museum reopening after two fires started on their roof from another building. It use to be an old theatre and we got VIP access and brought up onto the roof. Crawling through windows and being on an old roof...good thing im not scared of heights and was feeling adventurous, eh?! After we got back to the studio we edited the film and made a package for the news at 5:30 that turned out to be good stuff! Melissa picked me up, i drove her to Haiti connection, and picked up Lauren from her wiffle ball game (or as she likes to call it "wiggle ball"). I heard some very interesting news today about someone from a past relationship that made me just laugh and be happy that i have cut off all connections with that person. Everything really does happen for a reason and i believe that 100%. I seem to have found this new confidence and independace within myself. I had a great weekend...i got to see everyone from back home and went to NIU. Both were a great time, i love my family and friends. I realized that is all i need...are my family and my friends. true friends. people who have my back at all times and would never turn theirs on mine. My friends are people i can truely rely on for anything & everything and i love them for that. I also got some news that ill be hitting the bars this weekend with Mr. Brandon Hurn at U of I which i am super pumped for. Im also excited to come back and have people over saturday and see how everything turns out---Lauren you know what im talking about hahaha ;) ya girl workkkk.

Anyway, Im in the best mood ever right now...even when i know i have to start working on my powerpoint presentation right now. By the by, i have two presentations to do on Thursday woohoo.

PS- John Mayer is pure sex.

"You want love,We'll make it,Swim in a deep sea,Of blankets,Take all your big plans,And break 'em,This is bound to be a while.

Your body is a wonderland,Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands),Your body is a wonderland.

Damn baby,You frustrate me,I know you're mine, all mine, all mineBut you look so good it hurts sometimes."

Sunday, November 2, 2008


School has been consuming all my free time lately so i apologize for not posting a new blog until now. I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween because i know i did! Lauren, Jenna, and I drove to U of I the night of Halloween and went to Kellee V's party. By the way, Kellee was def. the best zombie i have ever seen, her costume and make up were pimpin! There were SOOO many people there, at time you couldnt even move through her apartment. I saw some pretty good costumes and some really lame ones. All of us had really good costumes this year though--- Lauren was an 80's aerobic girl, Jenna was a holiday grandma, Steven and Chris were Dumb and Dumber, and I was a flapper. One of the best parts of the night was when Jenna got hit on by some boy (who was dressed in a really stupid costume) and the facial expression she made! Jenna had the best grandma attitude in the beginning of the night. At first the party started slow but then Steven, Chris, Will, Evan, and Joey finally showed up and since they were all there the night started to pick up. I was having a great time and of course i had my party partner (Lauren) by my side the whole entire time. The pictures we depended on Steven taking turned out awesome and another great part of the night was when Georgia and all the Greek boys met up with me at Kellee's! I was extremely happy to see them! *** Fun part about them coming was when i introduced Lauren to Peter Petrop's and shes like oh ya i know about you, ur Rhea's junior high crush...COOL CALL ME OUT. hahaha no but for real i didnt care because i think everyone in the world knew about that, im a very open reason to be embarassed. And Lauren also fell in love Halloween night with my friend Taso. hahahaha good times good times.*** Anyway getting back on track...Steven, Chris, Jenna, and I decided to go back home at 5:00 am instead of sleeping on the floor. I must say that was a really good choice we made because nothing was better than an entertaining car ride and coming home to sleep in the comfort of ur own bed. The next morning us four went out to breakfast and came home to relax before the boys left. Lauren came back for about a half hr and went back to u of i for the night. Jenna and i had a fabulous chinese food take-out dinner and we were both set on not going out. That went down the drain because Jenna went to the movies with her daaaance friends and i ended up going out with samantha jones! it was so good to see all those girls and boys! I love them! I was super tired though and decided to call it a night instead of going to the 2nd party with everyone else. Luckily I had a good sober friend named Tony Recchia to drive me home last night! I stayed up for awhile with Jenna and the girls but I was exhausted so I went to bed. Sadly, its sunday...which means tomorrow is monday and a whole new week of school is coming up. The only thing i get to look forward to now is going home on Friday for a fun weekend.

Random Fact: These past two nights i have had dreams about my ex-crushes....hmmm really wierd!!!!

Quote of the Day:

" Dont worry about the little things because everything is a little thing "

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Homecoming Weekend

This past weekend was homecoming weekend here at good ol' EIU. Homecoming meant one thing for me, im getting drunkski. Like Laurens status has said before "hello sober, Ive missed you this weekend"...thats exactly how i felt! So here is how it all went down:

Friday- Lauren and I attended the pep rally to go watch Jenna do her first performance as an EIU dancer. They did really good and the Jesse White tumblers were there....Amazing! It was actually a good pep rally. I have it a A+. After the pep rally Lauren and I picked up her cousins boyfriend that was visiting for the night. We went for a run when lauren had to go back to the apartment to take care of something and i had to stand outside awkwardly with kevin and alcohol. When we got picked up and got into the apartment we started drinking asap. Lauren wouldnt even let me get ready and forced me to start doing power hour. We played a game of beerpong...or 5. Anyway, when kevin left some of our guy friends came over and it was a pretty solid night.

Saturday- Saturday night was the best night by far. As I was sitting on the couch I heard my apartment door open and in walks in my brother, katie, and tom. Dean planned a trip and surprised me! What a nice boy! Deans gift to us was a huge bottle of jager....Rhea doesnt do jager bombs, however I was forced to drink them that night...6 of them! Oh goodness. Lauren and I were also drinking Burnettes for our pregamming session and then we all got ready and headed over to Will's house. It was a great time. Katie and I had a heart to heart on the porch which was completely fantastic. I ended up taking a lot of pictures and got completely drunk to sum up the night. Jenna was there to put the pieces of mine and Laurens night together hahaha. Oh i love us!

Sunday- 2 words: recovery day

Monday- One tree hill was amazing. I attended all my classes. The girls and I went to WalMart and we were completely obnoxious...Jenna and Melissa probably bought out the whole entire store.

Tuesday- I got my anthropology midterm back and recieved an 85%. Not too shaby for walking into class last tuesday and remembering that its your day to take the final according to the alphabet and not thursday like the other half of the class. hahaha OOPS. When i came home i had to get ready for WEIIU-TV. I had my first job shadow today with a videographer and reporter which was amazing. I got to shoot some footage and it was on the WEIU newswatch tonight. Im really excited about starting a job there, but i still have to job shadow 2 more times. Which is fun, so whatever! When i got home i started writing my 5 page paper which was taking me forever bc i came outside every page to talk to my lovely roomates and watch pumpkin carvings done by Melissa and Lauren. Oh these girls i live with a crazy...and i love it. My baby Binx is sick and i feel so bad for him. Awww tear tear!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


This is the most stressful week ever!

I feel like i have had endless stacks of study guides and tests this whole week. One online test and another midterm tomorrow at 10:00 am and i am FINISHED.

I just want the weekend and this week to be over...NOW!

ps- you know u love my picture for this blog entry hahahaaha. Im a dork.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall Break

Fall Break! Fall is definitely my favorite season...the leaves changing colors, perfect weather, the sun is still is beautiful! Classes were cancelled Friday for Fall break so the girls and I headed home Thursday after our classes. It was nice to get a short week of school and a long weekend. Thursday when I got home I walked into my house and my whole family was home, finally! The other weekends I had been home my parents were in Florida and the other was when Dean was in Vegas. I was happy that we were all home for once and werent being world travelers haha. Georgia came over and came with us to dinner at Nicks BBQ, we were all able to catch up on new news and gossip about certain topics---yea we're Greek, of couse we gossip its in our blood. After dinner we all went home and Georgia and I decided to go get ice cream and brought it to Lauren's house for us all to eat. Georgia, Lauren, Steven, Chris and I were hanging out and then chilled in the basement. Jenna, Melissa, and Ryan graced us with their presences and hung out for awhile too. I was exhausted and actually ended the night early. Friday I woke up and took a walk around my neighborhood, organized my stuff, and relaxed at my house. I went to Laurens to hang out for awhile but had to leave and get ready for dinner with Georgia, Georgia, and Genie. We went to a chinese restaurant called Chi Tung and then went to Statesville prison. Some parts were scary and others...not so much. haha. I got called a bitch, which i replied by saying "dont call me a bitch you fucking asshole" and got chased with a chainsaw. After statesville we went back to Laurens house where Jill and Melissa were present at with a bonfire going. It was fun that all of us were just hanging out, catching up, and talking about old/new times. I ended up sleeping over at Georgias with the girls that night. When we woke up Big Georgia and I got invited to go to Six Flags Fright Fest. So we got ready and piled in the van- Lauren, Chris, Jill, Steven, Georgia, and Me. It was my first time at Fright Fest and it was a lot of fun but it was the most packed i have ever seen Six Flags. Steven, Chris, and I went through a haunted house there which i also got in an argument with one of the actors...what is with these rude people?! Anyway, it was a really fun and long day. Lauren spent the night at my house and the next morning we picked up Tania and went out to breakfast. When I came home my parents and I watched the Bears game ( Intense game ) and I packed up to go back. We had quite an interesting car ride because we brought back a new roomate with us...a kitten named Binx! He is such a little cutie (pics will be posted soon)! Sunday nights are always the same...all the girls together just hanging out and chilling before a stressful week at school. Although, this week is homecoming week so it will be eventful and full of parties! Cant wait to get our War on Sobriety t-shirts!

Quote of the Night- " Im ready to be the girl i use to be. The one who never cried, never got mad about dumb things, & the one girl who would never worry about being in love "

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pajamas,Beer,and Friends...What else do you need?

This past week has been one of the most stressful weeks for me. Between classes, boys, homework, apartment stuff, and certain people I just wanted the weekend to come! Thursday night was a good night though because Lauren, Jenna, and I went to the Carrie Underwood concert at U of I. I sat with Chris and Steven, we had so much fun! Carrie is very very good live! She hit all her high notes and was just flawless. She was very sweet on stage, she rambled a bit, and she looked sooo good! How is it possible to be that beautiful?! I dont get it hahaha. Last night we hosted a pajama beer pong party. We had a great turn out from 25-30 people and it was perfect...all of our good friends. Good friends meaning the night consisted of everyone getting along, no drama, and everyone just had a good time. It was nice to party all together with some new and old friends. We had a little beer pong tournament action, drinking games, mario kart racing, and just hanging out going on. I love it here so much. I cant ever picture myself anywhere else! Tonight should be an eventful night also...Pregaming here with some friends and three big parties going on! Hmm, Im thinking it's going to be an interesting night.

"Follow what I already know
In the end closer's all there is
Oh, in the end it's me you're going to miss
'Cause you won't find this"

Carrie Underwood- You Won't Find This

Monday, September 29, 2008

Live, Laugh, Love!

This past week was one of the busiest I've had, but in a good way. Lauren and I went home on thursday afternoone because I had to go to Steph and Andy's rehersal dinner for their wedding. It was a lot of fun and Im glad i went so I didn't look like a fool, not knowing what to do. After the rehersal at the church everyone went to Andy's parents house. We had the most yummy home-made Greek food, Mmmm! Friday pretty much consisted of getting ready for the wedding: going to get my nails done, going to the mall, lunch with Lauren and Brittany Kelly, and hanging out with the family. Friday night Little Georgia and I went to go see My Best Friend's Girl. It was halarious and recommend that you go see it if you havent already. (Sidenote- favorite quote from the movie "Wipe the cobwebs off your cock and stick it!"). Oh Dane Cook is halarious! I got hit on by some creepy guy at the gas station that night also...CREEPER! Anyway, on saturday i woke up at 7:30 and was at Stephanie's house by 8:00 to get my hair and makeup done. It was a lot of fun watching and getting ready with the girls. When Steph was done and turned the corner out of her room in her wedding gown she looked like an angel! She was GORGEOUS! We took so many pictures I felt like I had the damn paparazzi was following me! The limo was awesome and we all made a toast before going into the church. The church was beautiful and it was decorated with flowers and candles that set such a romantic mood. When we arrived at the banquet hall we made our entrances and sat at our seats at the head table. I have been to Georgio's Banquets more than 1000 times, but i kid you not i have never seen it so beautiful. The flowers, linens, lighting...everything was perfect. We ate, drank, and danced our asses off! Watching Andy and Steph dancing and being together throughout the night reassured me that true love is out there and I cannot wait to find it! My wedding is going to be soooo much fun, I cant wait! Sunday before I left my parents took me out to dinner, it was a lot of fun and nice to hang out before I left. SOOO Lauren and I were off heading back to EIU around 8:00. Our car ride was entertaining as always and was filled with great conversation. Classes went well today for it being a monday. I had such a busy day. OTH was amazing as always and I loved it. After I watched my show Tony Recchia came over. LOVE THAT BOY! We had a heart-to-heart and got into some really good/interesing conversation. He can always make me laugh and put a smile on my face.

Tomorrow should be an easy day...nothing major going on...classes, homework, WEIU, etc. OHH Chad Chas is coming over for dinner tomorrow night, i just remembered. Yayyy im excited!

"Hotness is uniqueness, that's hott!" - Ryan Cabrera

( yeah, I decided that Im going to end every blog with some sort of quote...haha)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"I wanted you to FIGHT for me..."

RYAN CABRERA CUT HIS HAIR SHORT. MY BABY HAS SOME SPIKES AGAIN! SOOOO SEXY. You have NO idea how excited I am about this. Jenna was here to witness me freaking out when i saw the pictures! AND if that wasn't enough good news....i find out that Ryan was in GREECE. He was out partying with MY FAMILY probably. Why,why,why was he in Mykonos and I was not?!

***My Thoughts***

  • I really want to get one of the tattoos i want this weekend. Hmmm, maybe Dad could take me :)
  • I want something pierced too, something different that not everyone has. Maybe i just want something new really bad that's why I am so set on getting a tattoo or piercing, Asap!
  • I can't believe tomorrow is already Thursday. This week is flying by, which is a good thing because for some reason i really haven't wanted to go to my classes! Usually I dont mind them but this week I haven't been in the mood for them one bit. Im going home tomorrow after my Lab so I could go to a Rehersal Dinner for the Wedding this weekend. I CANNOT wait for Steph and Andy's wedding! I am so excited...I know its going to be ballinnnnn!
  • Love/Lust: Probably the most confusing concept in the world. Lately I have been finding myself thinking about it more and more each day. I feel so lost on this topic...I have so many questions that can't be answered- What am I doing with my situation right now? Am i heading on the same road i did last year? And worst of I going to get hurt again? That's probably the most terrifying thought. I just wish I could say and ask everything I ever wanted, but I find myself holding back. There is a part of me that just wants it...wants it all...the happiness, the title, the petty fights, the memories, etc. A part of me that just wants to SCREAM Why can't we just do it and take a risk?! Reassure me that it wouldn't be a mistake if we did do something about it! Take away all my doubts and fears and just be there for me! Then there is the other part of me that wants to be independant and just enjoy my friends and family right now. I kind of feel like since I have been doing that for so long that I need a change though. Is having a significant other the right choice for me? I often find myself referring back to this quote --- "Trust noone but yourself". I dont know what I'm doing right now but I do know that I dont want to get hurt.
  • On a more happy note, I can't wait for tonight -> Wednesday night tradition: Dinner with Lauren, Jenna, and Lindsay at Thomas Dining hall ( mmm, thomas sandwhiches! ). Lindsay has this power over me...she always puts me in a good mood and everytime I am done hanging out with her she makes me want to be a better person. I love her!!!!
I leave you with this quote : "The only people you need in your life are the ones that prove they need you in theirs."

Monday, September 22, 2008

Live your Life!

My first post! I'm excited to start this blog, it will be nice to have a place to express myself and my thoughts or even just to share my day with you.

I thought a good way to start my first post is to talk about my weekend. It was so much fun and went by way too fast! I love my family and friends SO much! On Friday Lauren, Melissa, and I got ready and packed our stuff for the weekend, not before attacking Jenna with hugs and kisses before she left to go home though! She wasn't going to be by our side for one night and we acted like we werent going to see eachother for weeks! Anyway, the girls and I got ready and headed to NIU for the night to visit Petros. We were all really pumped to go there and see how it was to be staying in a frat for once. I had never been to NIU before and i had a blast! When we got there Petros met us outside and escorted us into his frat- Phi Sigma Kappa. The house was really cool inside...we got a full tour and got to see how the boys decorated their rooms because everyone just kept their doors open and didn't care who came in and out. By the way, each room had their own bar given to cool is that?! All the people we met that night were really nice and outgoing. It was cool to see the boys though- Petros, Jeremy, Anthony, Nick, and Bill. I love those boys! That night the frat was having a party. It was a lot of fun--- everyone just keeps their doors open and walks around in eachother's rooms and parties in the hallway. We all had a lot of fun dancing, playing card games, drinking, and talking. Even before that though the fun began with my girls! The car ride was halarious between singing and flirting with motorcycle boy! We only stayed over one night and I wish we could have stayed the whole weekend! It was nice going home though because i got to see my brother who i havent seen in forever! My parents were in FL so we had the house to ourselves! My aunt had Dean and I over for dinner with the family and my Yiayia and was a lot of fun to hang out with them for awhile. After dinner Steven, Melissa, Lauren, Chris, Jenna, Georgia, and I went to Chilis and had dinner. I miss being all together and hanging out, but then again i love school! I feel grateful to say that i get the best of both worlds by having a good time at school and at home. After dinner we all went back to my house for awhile and had some beerskis and played cards. It was a nice chill night with some of my closest friends! The next day i basically just hung out all day and picked up the girls around 5:00 to go back to school. I love coming home to this apartment and feeling like it truely is my home. I love the feeling of independance and living with the girls...they are the best!

Today wasn't bad for being a Monday...there were some up's and down's dont get me wrong, but at the end of the day all is well. One Tree Hill was amazing, I got to hang out with Shelby (LOVE HER!! )and Lauren cooked some kick ass dinner for us (thanks laur!). Now I'm just hanging out and need to start reading my Communications book for class, "BOOF"!
